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Shop Locally Owned Businesses in the New Orleans Area

Find verified, locally owned stores, restaurants, services, and more in the parishes of Orleans, Jefferson, St. Tammany, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist and Tangipahoa

Discover local businesses in the Greater New Orleans area

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If you love New Orleans, she'll love you back. Shop Local Nola!

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Oct 05
A Spooky Halloween Weekend in New Orleans

Halloween festivities in New Orleans are always a unique experience, and not just because we know how to throw a great party. Our city’s rich culture and history lends itself to all things mysterious, mystical, and ghostly. Come with us on a Halloween adventure through the New Orleans area where we’ll explore how local businesses […]

Sep 12
12 NOLA Area Woman-Owned Businesses Shaking Up the City

And Sage Advice For Future Businesswomen Owners September 22, 2022 is American Businesswomen’s Day! So, this month we’re celebrating local New Orleans area business owners who are representing for the ladies. These champions of enterprise are breaking glass ceilings and breaking the mold, and we want to support them! During the month of September, we’re […]

Aug 12
JB Communications, LLC – Social Media Tips and Tricks for Your Small Business

Jacquie Bonano, founder of JB Communications, gives a business webinar on Social Media marketing!

Aug 05
Shop Local NOLA Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary With New Features!

Fox8 reports on the One Year Anniversary of Shop Local Nola, a FREE resource for locally-owned businesses.

Jul 07
Why Shop Small? Let Us Count the Ways! started as an initiative to bring free resources to locally owned small businesses during COVID-19. But one of the most valuable things anyone can do for small businesses is to impress the importance of shopping local to their friends and family! To make it easy to bring up the significance of shopping small, Shop […]

Jul 02
JB Communications Launches the Largest Directory of Verified Locally Owned Businesses in the Greater New Orleans Area

To support local businesses during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, JB Communications designed and launched, the largest directory for verified locally owned businesses in the Greater New Orleans area. This is a free service for local owned businesses and consumers.

Add Your Free Listing Today!


Business Criteria

Shop Local NOLA is committed to strengthening the Greater New Orleans area community through promoting verified locally owned businesses. The businesses in our database must meet the following criteria:

  • β€’ Located in the Greater New Orleans Area (Orleans Parish, Jefferson Parish, St. Tammany Parish, St. Bernard Parish, Plaquemines Parish, St. John the Baptist Parish, St. Charles Parish, or Tangipahoa Parish)
  • β€’ Majority-owned by a resident or residents of the Greater New Orleans Area
  • β€’ Louisiana Secretary of State Registration Active and In Good Standing
  • β€’ Premium Membership Allows for Multiple Listings. These listings must be under one business name and owned by one individual.
  • β€’ Franchises must be headquartered in the Greater New Orleans area.

All listings will be verified prior to publishing. Shop Local NOLA reserves the right to remove any business listing in violation of these guidelines or in poor standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State.