Shop Local Nola

Why Shop Small? Let Us Count the Ways! started as an initiative to bring free resources to locally owned small businesses during COVID-19. But one of the most valuable things anyone can do for small businesses is to impress the importance of shopping local to their friends and family! To make it easy to bring up the significance of shopping small, Shop Local Nola has compiled a list of fun, conversation-starting statistics to bring up at your next shopping excursion, date, or dinner party!

  1. Generate Jobs in Your Community

So how many jobs do small businesses really generate? Turns out, a whole heck of a lot! The Small Business Administration recently reported that small companies create 1.5 million jobs every year. That accounts for 64% of new jobs created in the United States!

  1. Small Businesses Support the Community

Small Businesses generate $68 of local economic return for every $100 spent. Spending the same amount locally at a national chain only generates $43. In fact, according to Seattle Good Business Network, small businesses donate a staggering 250% more to non-profits and community causes than larger businesses. Additionally, local businesses support local businesses. These businesses also sell products from (or made from) locally sourced vendors, creating jobs internally as well as externally.

  1. Small Businesses are Getting Creative

The pandemic caused a lot of small businesses to re-evaluate their sales strategies and devise creative ways to accommodate their existing clientele. Some utilized drive-thu services and curbside pickup, while others developed useful merchandise “packages.” If you haven’t visited your local small businesses in a while, you might be surprised by how much they’ve learned over the past year to make shopping more convenient.

  1. Small Businesses Value Customer Service

Justifiably, 77% of customers are willing to pay more if they receive excellent customer service. This does not mean that all small businesses charge more. But sometimes, the prices of small businesses reflect the locally sourced items, living wage, and quality products. Small businesses value customers service standards because every customer matters, and they are members of the community.

  1. Small Business Owners Work Around the Clock

Never underestimate the hard work and fortitude of a small business owner.  Most small business owners work more than the usual “40 hours a week” and often work up to 50. Additionally, 81% of small business owners work nights and 89% work weekends. These hours go towards training, inventory, and industry innovations. When you shop local, you are working with people whose goal is to touch the lives of their customers.

  1. Small Businesses Know Their Product and Service

Are you in desperate need of effective pest control services? Choosing between candle scents for your next birthday gift? Small business owners didn’t fall into their industry by accident. They know the most there is to know about their product and service, and they are more than happy to share with you!

  1. Local Businesses Use Local Marketers

If you’ve seen your favorite local brand’s name floating around your social media feed with a little “sponsored” tag, or their commercial appears on your favorite radio station, chances are there is a devoted marketer working hard on their visibility. Local marketers are familiar with the needs of local consumers and can often apply personal knowledge and research to the business’s marketing plan.

For example, during COVID-19, the JB Communications team grew frustrated at the scarcity of user-friendly directories for locally owned businesses. So, they built one for their clients, customers, and local businesses. (You guessed it! It was

Looking for Locally Owned Businesses in Your Area? Try!

Shop Local Nola, founded by JB Communications, LLC, is the Greater New Orleans Area’s largest directory for verified, locally owned businesses. Currently, Shop Local Nola is running the Shop Local Online Marketplace to help local businesses promote seasonal deals and encourage shoppers to focus their shopping efforts on local institutions this year-round. To find locally owned businesses in your area, search by industry, name, or zip code on!

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